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Întrebări frecvente


Hose reel, welding type
wall, floor or ceiling 
Oxygen G 1/4 male, right-hand thread with 60° inside cone, Acetylene G 3/8 male, left-hand thread with 60° inside cone 
Presiune de lucru max.
max. 10 bari 
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  • wall, floor or ceiling 
  • Oxygen G 1/4 male, right-hand thread with 60° inside cone, Acetylene G 3/8 male, left-hand thread with 60° inside cone 
Presiune de lucru max.
  • max. 10 bari 
  • welding technology design 
Numărul de tarif vamal
  • 39173900 
Toate caracteristicile

Descrierea produsului

Alte date sunt disponibile la cerere.
Heavy-duty steel design for industrial applications. Blue powder-coated housing. Reel guide prevents excessive wear on the hose. An automatic latching mechanism allows the hose to be engaged at any length. Enclosed spring. Precise locking device for continuous feeding or latching mechanism.
Informaţii suplimentare
Welding hose for oxygen and acetylene, red and blue, made from synthetic rubber.

Product variants

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Diametru (mm)
Lungime furtun (m)