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Verificarea disponibilităţii produsului
Comandare suplimentară rapidă & istoricul comenzilor
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Help & Contact

Your direct line to us

If you have any questions about the online store or our products, you can call our customer service at:

Monday - Thursday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Except saturdays, sundays and holidays

Or use our FAQ

There you get answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Helping people help themselves
Întrebări frecvente


Despite careful checking, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information included on this site, and we accept no liability. All data and information in our online catalogue are based on currently valid standards and the regulations from the employer's liability insurance association. Product safety can only be guaranteed when our assembly instructions are carefully observed. Non-adherence to these regulations can affect product operation and functioning and result in a loss of warranty. Our warranty is only valid for HANSA-FLEX products. Our products are constantly subject to further development and technical changes are therefore possible.