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Haftmagnet Ø43 mit Gewindezapfen M6
43 mm
M 6 
Forța de reținere
85 N
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Detalii produs la


43 mm
M 6
Forța de reținere
85 N
6 mm
10 mm
Toate caracteristicile


Domeniul de utilizare
  • The ideal service assistant for mobile and stationary hydraulic applications: from agriculture and industry to vehicle construction and onshore and offshore wind power.  
  • Magnetic core NDFEB (neodymium-iron-boron magnet) with rubber sheath made of TPE 
Temp. max.
  • 60 °C
Temp. min.
  • 0 °C
Tip constructiv - element suplimentar
  • with threaded pin 
Numărul de tarif vamal
  • 85051100 
Toate caracteristicile

Descrierea produsului

Please note that magnetic fields can erase data carriers and affect or destroy electronic and mechanical components, e.g., pacemakers.
Magnets have considerable attraction and repulsion forces, avoid the risk of injuries from crushing.
A dangerous goods declaration in accordance with IATA regulation 902 is required for air freight shipments.
The holding forces were determined on a polished steel plate DIN/EN S235JR (1.0037) with a thickness of 10 mm by pulling the magnet vertically (1 kg -- 10 N).
A deviation of up to -10% from the specified value is possible in exceptional cases.
Please note the reduction of the holding forces with 0.8 mm thick painted sheet metal: FASTENING MAGNET43 to approx. 55 N, FASTENING MAGNET66 to approx. 125 N and FASTENING MAGNET88 to approx. 280 N.
Small cracks in the magnetic material have no effect on the holding forces.
Magnetic seals close openings on pumps, valve manifolds and lines even in confined spaces and under high stress.
This tool is used to securely and cleanly fix a flange gasket, for example, making it easier to reinstall after an inspection.
Sistemul de închidere magnetică HANSA-FLEX este o combinație de disc de etanșare și magnet. În cazul unui accident, al lucrărilor de întreținere sau de reparații, scurgerile de mediu pot fi oprite în siguranță. Discurile de etanșare de până la Ø 88,0 mm sunt un instrument ideal, în special pentru deschideri mari în sistemele cu flanșe.
Conexiunile și conductele deschise sunt sigilate pentru a preveni contaminarea nedorită a sistemului și pentru a minimiza riscul de scurgere a lichidelor, protejând astfel împrejurimile și mediul.
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